The best coasts of Iran

The best coasts of Iran

The coast of Kish

this beach park includes sandy walking trails, palm trees, cacti, Benjamin, eucalyptus, Sacred figs, and many beautiful sights. Perhaps this is why it is one of the attractions of Kish tourism. But the most critical reason for naming this cost the phoenix of Kish is the presence of a dolphinarium and the garden of birds. Two distinctive locations, one to mesmerize you with colorful and beautiful rare birds and the other to fill you with excitement like a child watching sea creatures.

Kolbeh hoor beach:

Choosing the most beautiful coast of Kish is hard work. The kolbeh Hoor is located in the West of Kish, where it turns completely orange at dusk. This Beach has such clear water that from above it, we can see all the Aquatic creatures, shellfish, and corals inside.


Coral Beach:

On this Beach, the corals, after dying, reach the shore like sponge stones. For those interested in rock and shellfish collecting, the coral coast is likely to be a better choice. Sea games such as parasailing, jet skiing, canoe riding, diving and slide tubes on the coral coast of Kish are viral, and the experience of each one will be unforgettable for you. Particularly the diving. That is impossible to describe the joy of adventuring in the colorful underwater world.

coral beach

Maryam Beach:

If you travelled to Kish Island, you would have heard the name of Mary’s Beach; Beautiful coast with warm golden sand and white sands, as well as pristine water that can be very enjoyable. Relax on the Beach, and the existence of various entertainment such as Jet ski and boat rides, Mary’s coast turns one of the most beautiful coasts in Iran.

The Grand Pier of Kish:

A sea collection is provided along with this pier that can fix all the needs of tourists on this pier. Types of a jet ski, boats, 4-dimensional cinemas, cafes and dining rooms are provided around this pier.

See also
Mount Behistun

Qeshm Shores

Hengam Island beach:

Hengam Beach is also known as silver beach. The phytoplanktons on this Beach make it similar to a land full of silver. When the wave reaches the Beach, it combines and shines with these luminous particles.

Hengam Island beach

Qeshm’s turtle beach:

Qeshm’s turtle beach is also spectacular from late March to the end of June. In the ovulation season, hundreds of Hawksbill Sea turtles come to the Beach and bury their eggs in the holes. Two months later, turtles come out of the egg and move toward the Beach. The same thing has turned the Beach into one of Qeshm’s attractions. The Beach is located 30 kilometres south of Qeshm.

Beaches of Naz Qeshm islands:

When the surface of the water goes down, the sandy coast is created as a route among water, away from Qeshm to the three naz islands. This is about a kilometre of sandy roads that give Qeshm tour passengers a chance to walk or drive cars inside the sea, from Qeshm to the unique rocky beaches of Naz island. One of the other beauties of the naz islands reveals in the time of the tides.

Olive Beach:

This Beach is on Qeshm Island, which is, in fact, part of Olive Park, has a swimming school for all ages, and is an extraordinary coast for water sports.

Olive Beach

Hormuz Red Beach:

The soil is red, golden, dark blue and white on this Beach. If we seek to see Phytoplanktons on Hormuz Island, we should go to the Natural Environment Beach in northern Hormoz. Small stars appear on the water when the night and the sea embrace each other.

Chabahar Beaches:

Beach Beris:

Beris Beach, located 60 kilometres east of Chabahar, is one of the same beaches, and watching the Oman Sea from its rocks will make a memorable experience for you. In addition, as far as the eyesight can see, small and large boats can be seen that are busy catching fish and shrimp!

See also
Souvenirs of Isfahan

To the above, Martian mountains in the northern part of the sea and flying birds should also be added so that if you have not travelled to Chabahar, you become more eager.

The dark Beach:

Somewhere the sea and the desert reach each other with a stunning perspective, and since no trash can be found there, people recognize it as the cleanest coast of Iran.

The dark Beach

Beaches of Bushehr

Reyshahr Beach:

It is the most beautiful Bushehr coast along Rey Shahr street to the seaside. Opposite other beaches around this city, this Beach is not intact, but it is primarily famous for its thousands of years of history.

Imam hasan port beach:

The Beach is also known as the Martian coast. Imam Hasan Beach is 30 kilometres south of the port of Dilma in Bushehr province and is a compilation of sand and cliffs.

Benood beach:

Probably most people have seen this Beach in Asaluyeh in the film Mohammad Rasanolullah. Bushehr beach takes its charm from sea caves, and the way to access its waters passes through the holes between the rocks.

Chamkhala beach in Langrood:

beach Chamkhala in Gilan and Downtown Langrood City was selected as the best Gilan coast in the year 2011, but still, it could not be ignored and should be placed among the 18  beautiful beaches of Iran.

 Anzali Beach:

The beauty of Anzali and the city’s main bridge is because of the small and modern seaside cafes and ships inside the sea. The coastal village of Anzali has Beach, Restaurant, Store, Park, Sporting Fields, Coastal Villas and a gazebo.

Beachs in Gilan province

Bridge Ghazian is the most famous city bridge we should not miss the chance to walk on at sunset.

Astara Beach:

Sadaf is one of the most famous Astara beaches because of the implementation of the beach clean-up plan; many people like it because of its swimming and entertainment facilities for children and places that have been made to install the tent.

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A ramble in the Carpet Museum: A mirror to the history and life of different Iranian people

astara beach

The coast of Mazandaran

Beach Sisangan:

35 kilometres from the city Nowshahr Forest Sisangan Park, one of the most touristic places in Mazandaran province. You can rent boats, jet ski at the Beach, ride horses, or eat food under the gabezo.

Ramsar Beach:

If you travel north of Iran, do not forget Ramsar Beach. In Ramsar, telecabin complexes start from the city’s coast and take you to the depths of Ramsar forests. In addition, it is also located in the Marine Sports Club, where you can enjoy using sports and water entertainment.

Beach namak abrood:

Another best beach is the northern Beach of namak abrood. There are also many entertainment facilities and sports on this Beach, which you can have the ultimate fun using. Jet ski, boats, slide tubes and parasails, hovercraft, motor-riding and ATV bikes, cycling trails, Amusement parks, lodging, pedalo and motor riding are just some of the amusement and welfare facilities of the namak abrood Beach.

Miankaleh Beach:

Another unique and beautiful beach in the country’s north is Miankaleh beach. This Beach is not only a recreational beach but a protected area. The fascinating animal cover of this area has created many beauties for it. Miankaleh beach is the most important habitat for water and land birds, and the pictures of this Beach will attract you to travel north to this green region of Iran.

Miankaleh Beach

In the end, we can say that Iran is full of attractive and spectacular beaches, each of which has its unique charm. From north to south, you can discover all kinds of beautiful sea beaches with various rocks, sand, red and indigo and enjoy their beauty. With Iranator, you can use an Iran tour to enjoy the beauty of this country.

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