traditional-Iranian drinks

Introduction of traditional Iranian drinks

Iran is one of the countries with four seasons and has a different climate in each season of the year. The environment of Iranian cities is also different from each other. North and south, west and east of Iran have their climate. The human population of Iran is also made up of different ethnic groups. It means other ethnic groups have lived in Iran since the distant past. Such as Turk, Lur, Baluch, Arab, Fars, Kurd, Turkmen, etc., which have their own cultures and tastes.

As various climates have caused people’s tastes to be different. Various authentic Iranian dishes are cooked in other cities in Iran

The number of these foods is enormous. Every city and region of Iran has a taste and many types of food and drinks that are cooked and prepared according to the culture and climate of that region. For example, in the hot cities of Iran, such as Isfahan and Shiraz, delicious syrups are prepared, which are very effective in preventing heatstroke.

traditional Iranian drinks

First, we provide a list of the best Iranian drinks and then introduce them;

  • Sekanjabin syrup
  • Mountain basil seeds syrup
  • Egyptian willow syrup
  • orange blossom syrup
  • flixweed seed syrup
  • mint syrup
  • saffron syrup
  • lemon syrup
  • rose syrup
  • All kinds of teas include borage tea, rose flower tea, lemon tea, etc.
  • Arabic coffee of the people of the south

Famous herbs

Sekanjabin syrup

Sekanjbin is from 2 words, “Sek”, meaning vinegar and “Anglin”, meaning nectar or honey. Sekanjabin is the arabic form of the word sekanjabin. Sakanjbin is one of the original Iranian drinks that has many benefits. The way to prepare this syrup has changed over time. Usually, this syrup is made of; Water, vinegar, sugar or honey and mint extract. Sometimes, lettuce is also used when serving Sekanjabin. In addition, periodically, fruits such as jujube, cherry, squill, and dodder were added to this syrup. In the past, sakanjabin syrup was a medicinal liquid obtained from vinegar because, in old traditional medicine, this syrup was also called vinegar wine.

Sekanjabin syrup

Mountain basil seeds syrup

Mountain basil is a type of plant that grows in America and Mexico. Preparing the syrup of this plant is very popular in Iran in the summer season. Mountain basil seed syrup is one of the traditional Iranian syrups that is so beneficial that it raises everyone’s admiration. This syrup is prepared from water, Mountain basil seeds syrup, sugar, rose water and sometimes saffron.

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Mountain basil seeds syrup is very effective for treating digestive diseases such as stomach pain, flatulence, constipation, intestine dysfunction, etc. Mountain basil seeds syrup is also rich in calcium and phosphorus. Eliminates all types of infections. Mountain basil seeds syrupis also effective for weight loss and getting slim.

It improves the mood and soothes the nerves. It also regulates blood sugar. And finally, the very important property of this plant, which increases its consumption in the summer, is water retention in the body and prevents heatstroke. The jelly around the syrupy egg maintains moisture in the body and makes a person feel less thirsty.

Mountain basil seeds syrup

Egyptian willow syrup

Egyptian willow distillate is used to make cooling syrups in summer. Also, like saffron and mountain basil seed syrup, this syrup is suitable for the summer season, prevents heatstroke, and maintains water and body heat balance. Egyptian willow syrup is prepared in different flavours. This syrup is prepared in the form of simple Egyptian willow juice, Egyptian willow juice with flixweed seed, flixweed seed and rose water.

Egyptian willow has all kinds of vitamins. The most prominent property of this syrup is to combat depression and cheer up due to the amino acid tryptophan in it. Egyptian willow calms the heart and nerves and reduces pain and stress. It reduces anemia and is also effective for overweight through increasing appetite. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Egyptian willow syrup

Orange blossom syrup:

Orange is one of the citrus fruits that is grown in the northern provinces of Iran, especially Mazandaran province. If you travel to the northern provinces in spring, you will smell oranges on all the streets of the north.

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The orange blossom is used to make syrup. This syrup is served cold in summer. Ingredients such as water, sugar, orange juice, and sometimes lemon are used to prepare orange blossom syrup. This plant has many healing properties, including soothing the nerves and treating the neck. Among other properties of orange blossom, we can mention the treatment of insomnia, removal of bladder and kidney stones, strengthening of the heart and nerves, and removal of hiccups. Orange blossom syrup is mostly used cold in the summer season.  

Orange blossom syrup

flixweed seed syrup

Flixweed seed syrup is the most effective medicine for heatstroke, and this syrup has been used in the past to prevent heatstroke. They use flixweed seeds, water, honey or sugar, and lemon juice to prepare this syrup. This syrup is very effective for treating gout, reducing body temperature, relieving headaches, strengthening the stomach and digestive system, removing intestinal and kidney inflammations, improving blood pressure, eliminating diarrhoea, etc.

flixweed seed syrup


Lemon juice is one of the famous and widely used drinks in Iran. This syrup is mainly prepared and served cold in the summer season. They use water, sugar and lime juice to prepare this syrup. The preparation of this syrup is straightforward. Among the unique properties of lemon, we can mention cleaning and brightening the skin, diuretics, treating rheumatism, strengthening eye health, and treating gout and kidney stones.


mint syrup

This syrup is one of the syrups served cold in the summer. In the preparation of this syrup, water, lemon and mint extract are used. The properties of mint include improving the functioning of the digestive system, reducing skin inflammation, treating anaemia, etc.

mint syrup

saffron syrup

Saffron syrup is one of the aromatic Iranian syrups. Usually, saffron is used to flavour and colour food, but it is also used to prepare the syrup. To prepare this syrup, first, we brew saffron with hot water until its aroma and colour come out, then we mix it with cold water and sugar and drink it as a syrup. Of course, according to taste, we can add additives to our saffron syrup. The fantastic properties of saffron are not hidden from anyone, but the most prominent property of saffron syrup is its uplifting and anti-depressant properties.

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In addition to all these syrups and drinks, hot and popular drinks are also prepared in Iran. One of these drinks is a tea made in 2 types, black and green. The farms in the north of the country, especially the cities of Gilan province, are where black tea is grown. Almost all Iranian people use tea at different times of the day to relieve fatigue and rest.

saffron syrup

In addition to tea, various hot and special teas are also prepared and used. Among these teas, we can mention orange blossom tea, borage tea, Lemon Beebrush tea, rose flower tea, etc.

Each of these teas has its properties. For example, borage flower and orange blossom is very effective for soothing nerves and treating insomnia. Also, Lemon beebrushes and rose flowers have calming effects.

Another hot and delicious drink of the Iranian people is Arabic coffee, which is very popular among the people of the southern provinces of Iran, such as Khuzestan. Coffee is one of the drinks that Arab people have used to entertain their guests since the distant past. There are also special customs for serving coffee, and its preparation method is also special and different.


Famous herbs

In addition to all these drinks, in Iran, different types of herbal distillate are produced, which are the extract of plants, and some of them can be used to prepare excellent summer syrups, such as orange blossom or Sakanjbin. Today, distillates are extracted from 50 types of plants. Each of these sweats has its own therapeutic properties that can be used in the treatment of various diseases. The names of some famous Iranian perfumes include: (Chicory distillate, Egyptian willow distillate, Chamomile distillate, Mint distillate, Ajwain distillate, Ziziphora distillate, etc.)

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